Acupuncture is a traditional form of Chinese medicine used to help alleviate back pain, neck pain and many other pain conditions. Acupuncture is offered at The Spine & Rehab Group, often in combination with other non-surgical treatment options for pain management and recovery, most commonly for back and neck pain or injury.
Acupuncture works by stimulating the nervous system and promoting a feeling of relaxation. In a typical Acupuncture session sterile, hair-thin needles are inserted into the body by a Certified Acupuncturist for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Due to the thinness of Acupuncture needles, pain is not often experienced during an Acupuncture session.
Acupuncture has been recommended by the American Pain Society as an effective alternative treatment for pain relief, especially low back pain.
Acupuncture used for pain relief can be effective in treating:
An Acupuncture session not only reduces a person’s stress level, but also physically works to reduce pain. Acupuncture stimulates the central nervous system which is responsible for the release of chemicals.
Important natural chemicals released during Acupuncture are opioid peptides, or amino acids that promote pain relief naturally. Acupuncture also promotes endorphins, or neurotransmitters to the brain, which changes the brain’s perception of pain
I came in to get help with my sciatica. After getting an MRI, Dr. Hosny was able to diagnose the problem in one visit. Afterward, he recommended acupuncture, physical therapy, and injectables as part of a treatment plan. The pain completely disappeared after a few months. I am extremely happy that I was able to resolve my problem.
Tony S. ★★★★★I saw Dr. Chu after going through months of physical therapy but not being able to completely recover from hamstring and hip pain brought on by a bike accident.
I noticed a significant difference after only one acupuncture treatment. Dr. Chu helped me in overcoming a lot of obstacles on the difficult path to recovery. I wholeheartedly recommend acupuncture and Dr. Chu's care.
Gregory P.At The Spine & Rehab Group our Pain Management Specialists near you utilize a combination of Non-Surgical Treatments to help relieve your pain and speed up the healing process. Acupuncture may be recommended in addition to Physical Therapy, Medical Massage and other non-surgical approaches.
It is important to work with a Certified Acupuncturist if receiving Acupuncture treatments for pain. Our Board Certified Doctor and Certified Acupuncturist Dr. David Chu performs Acupuncture on patients in our Manhattan and New Jersey locations.
Dr. Hosny is a distinguished physician, educator, and healthcare leader with a commitment to advancing health equity and accessibility in the rapidly evolving landscape of modern healthcare. After completing his residency at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center, affiliated with Columbia University in New York City, he pursued an Interventional Spine Fellowship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, part of Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA.
Dr. Hosny has held prominent roles in academic medicine, including serving as an Associate Clinical Professor at New York Medical College and as the Interventional Spine Fellowship Program Director. These positions reflect his dedication to mentoring the next generation of healthcare professionals and advancing the field of interventional spine care.
More About Dr. HosnyThe Spine & Rehab Group
140 NJ-17,
Paramus, NJ 07652
(212) 242-8160