About 8 in 10 people will experience back pain at some point in their lives, which can make it a troublesome issue to diagnose and treat. Because back pain is often vastly different from patient to
Sciatica is the “electric sensation” or pain that radiates down from the lower back to the hips, buttocks, and down one leg. Sciatica typically affects only one side of the body and it occurs du
For many people, the source of their back pain begins in the lumbar spine or the cervical spine, located in the lower back and neck regions respectively. However, pain can still occur in the thoraci
Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints in the US, affecting approximately 31 million Americans at any given time. As the human back is made up of several different structures, it m
The kidneys are organs that sit on both sides of the body, right below the rib cage. They rest against the back muscles, which can make it difficult to tell whether you’re experiencing kidney pain
Kyphosis is a condition where your upper back is more curved than normal. It’s a fairly common condition that affects adolescents and adults, though there are some cases where it’s been observed
Back pain is a common condition that affects people all over the world. It can be caused by active incidents such as straining or spraining while lifting or inherent conditions like kyphosis. A less
The posture you have when walking matters more than you think. Walking places a tremendous amount of weight on the spine, which can affect the support structure of the rest of the
Back pain is a common issue that around 16 million adults in America struggle with daily. Chronic and acute back pain can vary in severity, from age-induced osteoporosis to sudden back strain and ba
Knee pain is one of the most common problems that affect patients every year. Almost one-third of Americans will report experiencing knee pain at some point in their lives due to an injury like a ru